Basic and Advanced Infertility Study

Estudio básico y avanzado de esterilidad JOFREFIV

We start the study of a couple with a semen analysis, a vaginal ultrasound showing normal uterine cavity and ovaries, and a basal hormonal study (FSH, LH, Estradiol, PRL, and TSH on day 3 of the menstrual cycle) to rule out endocrine abnormalities that affect reproduction.

An Anti-Müllerian Hormone test will also be carried out punctually to assess follicular reserve in those cases in which ultrasound suggests it.

In the case of a normal semen analysis, we perform a hysterosalpingography to check for tubal patency. With these tests, we can guide the couple towards low or high complexity techniques based on their results.

With these basic tests, we should have a diagnostic orientation, at least of suspicion, that allows us to classify the patients into one or several of the following etiological groups:
  • Male factor.
  • Ovulatory factor.
  • Tuboperitoneal factor.
  • Mixed factor.
  • Unexplained infertility.
  • Others (cervical factor, immunological, etc.).

In the case of recurrent miscarriages (two consecutive) and within the framework of assistance for Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART )the study may be complemented, if its etiology has not already been established, with the performance of a thrombophilia and karyotype study of both members of the couple.

Within our diagnostic arsenal, we offer our patients with repeated miscarriages or those who present a genetic risk of monogenic diseases the possibility of performing GENETIC MATCHING.