Early diagnosis of gynaecological and breast cancer

Early detection of pre-invasive lesions in breast cancer, as well as in gynecological cancer (ovary, uterus, cervix) allows for 100% cure and establishes less aggressive treatments. This is possible due to gynecological examination as well as the use of complementary tests to improve detection.


Mammography is the most effective test for an early diagnosis of breast cancer. It consists of an x-ray of the breast with which small lesions can be seen in early stages, up to two years before they can be palpated during the examination, and before they spread to other areas. Ultrasound is another test that helps in the study of breast lesions. Breast examination, whether performed by the patient or the gynecologist, locates the lesions and their characteristics. This way we are able to differentiate those that are suspicious from those that are not.


It is possible to detect premalignant lesions by performing the Pap test (cervicovaginal cytology). It is a simple and non-painful test that is performed during check-ups through gynecological examination; It consists of a smear from the cervix and vagina´s surface and subsequent analysis of the sample. In a similar way, in those cases where it is necessary, the HPV test can be performed to detect the Human Papillomavirus.

Uterus and ovaries.

Vaginal ultrasound allows uterus and ovaries’ visualization, detecting benign or suspicious lesions. Endometrial biopsy can be performed in consultation. It is well tolerated and allows diagnosing premalignant and malignant lesions. Other studies that help in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors are Magnetic Resonance (MRI) and Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT).