Cervical pathology unit

Cytological controls.

Performing cervicovaginal cytology in gynecological check-ups. It is a simple and painless technique that allows detecting premalignant lesions of the cervix.


It is a device with magnifying lenses that allows the gynecologist to see the surface of the cervix in detail. It is performed during the consultation to identify possible precancerous or cancerous lesions, and allows for the extraction of a sample through a biopsy for further analysis.

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) DNA test.

It can be performed during the examination along with cytology. It is painless and identifies high- and low-risk virus subtypes.

Ambulatory Cervical Conization and LLETZ for Dysplastic Cervical Lesions.

The detection of premalignant lesions of the cervix through cytology and colposcopy sometimes necessitates treatment via conization. This procedure involves removing a wedge-shaped section of the cervix's superficial part for further analysis. In most cases, it allows for the cure of the diagnosed lesion.

Cervical Cryotherapy.

The application of cold to the surface of the cervix using a probe that cools with liquid nitrogen. It allows the elimination of low-grade lesions of the cervix and corrects bleeding problems outside of menstruation.

Exeresis or electrocoagulation of condylomatous lesions.

Using local anesthesia, single or multiple condylomata or genital warts can be removed.